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* Will only create a single tab with the default name ('sheet1')
* @param { object } param0
* @param { string } param0.name The filename of the resulting file
* @param { object[] } param0.list The table to become the sheet
* @returns
* For creating more complex Workbooks
* @param { object } param0
* @param { string } param0.filename The filename of the resulting file
* @param { object[] } param0.tables Array of tables to turn in to tabs
* @param { string } param0.tables.tabname Tab name
* @param { object[] } param0.tables.data Array to convert into a table
* @returns
* Standard array of months to use for calculations / display / etc.
* Array postition [i] is representative of the number order of the months in the year NOT the Date().getMonth value
* [{ name, abbrev }]
* @param { number | string | date } value The value to be converted
* @param { string } type The type of formatting requested ( number, price, percent, phone, zip, date )
* @param { string } [direct='set'] The direction the value is going through ( set || get )
* @param { object[] } [options]
* @returns { number | string | date } The returned formatted string or de-formatted value
* @param { string } str The string to be converted
* @returns { string } Converted string
* @param { object[] } list
* @param { string } sortopt
* @param { number } sortorder
* @returns { Promise < object[] > }
* @param { string } str The string to check for invalid characters
* @returns { boolean }