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Get the home with the hhid OR the custid.
Query Homes through options.query. A way to customize employee Querys. Anything allows through the mongomart, is allowed through options.
Update a home with a valid hhid. Update takes any valid property value or mongo update function ($push).
Creates a home given some address information. Can attach a custid (phone) to the home. If that is done, the customer will have to exist for the home to be created. In the case everything is there and valid, the home will get an ID (from placekey) and be added to the database.
Removes a home from the database with a given
Get the client with the phone.
Query Clients through options.query. A way to customize client querys. Anything allows through the mongomart, is allowed through options.
Update a client with a valid phone. Update takes any valid property value or mongo update function ($push).
Creates a client in the database based off of what is in jonas. It is neccessary to pass a company code, phone number, fname and lname. The first thing checked is our database. Not there, Jonas is checked with the company code, phone (last 4), and lname. From there the following values are copied from jonas
After the client is created in our database, a home is created and attached the CREATEhome route.
Will remove a client from our database. This will also clean any attached home using the phone number.
Searches customer from jonas given a coid, phone and last name. To find a customer it tries to match the last four of the phone and the last name. If there a more than one customer found, success is false, but the list is returned. If ONE customer is found, it is returned in result.